26 August 2008

My Eyes Are Bleeding

Approach the chamber, and destroy your sight
With a new Gorgon: do not bid me speak;
See, and then speak yourselves.
Macbeth by Shakespeare.

No wonder they are paying me so much. That's cause after working a job like mine, you will see the ugliest and most disgusting side of the human heart and mind. Then soon enough, you're gonna see through this world and loose your faith in humanity.

Humans can go to such great lengths in order to lead another to their downfall. The mask of righteous is just mere tool to disguise and conceal their unlawful ways. People seek out for loop holes in the law which grants them the authority to sin.

Should have gone to the job Doreen recommended this morning. Although it doesn't pay as well but at least, I don't have to struggle against these nonsense. Shucks, if it weren't for the contract, I would have been gone!

It really sucked today. It does. Job started at 6am and I didn't get to grab a bite until 6pm. On top of that, while playing "hide and seek", I got kicked in the tummy and punched in the jaw. All the rough worthed SGD 200. It was much more than usual. But of course, I'm risking my life for this and that's how I should be paid.

Then again, if I were really given a chance to choose, I wouldn't want to get out of this line either. Firstly, it pays too well. The molar's hard to resist even though I've no idea as to why I'm working this hard for money. Secondly, I feel all-so alive during work time. It's challenging, and it's pumping up my adrenaline. Thirdly, the long hours at work sure makes me forget about other balderdash. I don't even have the time to eat, let alone the time to think and it's good for people who thinks too damn much, like me.

Yeah, please don't ever give me too much time to think lest I revoke my decision.

Tomorrow, oh, tomorrow is d'big day.

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