31 May 2011

Girls Watch Porn, Too

How can women possibly enjoy porn?

How can we not enjoy it?
It's two people having awesome sex.

30 May 2011


29 May 2011


If you mean by such desire “suicide,” then I say, most decidedly not. Such a result can never be a “natural” one, but is ever due to a morbid brain disease, or to most decided and strong materialistic views. It is the worst of crimes and dire in its results. Otherwise voluntary death would be an abandonment of our present post and of the duties incumbent on us, as well as an attempt to shirk Karmic responsibilities, and thus involve the creation of new Karma.

No more than murder, is it ever justifiable, however desirable it may sometimes appear. The Occultist, who looks at the origin and the ultimate end of things, teaches that the individual, who affirms that any man, under whatsoever circumstances, is called to put an end to his life, is guilty of as great an offence and of as pernicious a piece of sophistry, as the nation that assumes a right to kill in war thousands of innocent people under the pretext of avenging the wrong done to one.

No man, we repeat, has a right to put an end to his existence simply because it is useless. As well argue the necessity of inciting to suicide all the incurable invalids and cripples who are a constant source of misery to their families; and preach the moral beauty of that law among some of the savage tribes of the South Sea Islanders, in obedience to which they put to death, with warlike honours, their old men and women.

- H. P. Blavatsky

28 May 2011

Forever Alone Guy

That's gonna be me alright.

21 May 2011

Rapture 2011

"Radio evangelist Harold Camping has predicted that today, May 21st, will be the end of the world. This day has become known as Rapture. The world was predicted to end at 6PM. However this time has been and gone, so it appears the Camping’s prediction was just mere scaremongering."

Damn, why didn't it happen?!

19 May 2011


"Sakuran" is a good movie.

But it's also a bad one.

Cause the ending was highly unrealistic.

10 May 2011

Must... study!

I must study.

I must not surf net.

I must not chat with people.

I must not watch YouTube.

I must not watch RedTube.

I must not watch any other Tubes.

I must not blog-shop.

I must not blog.

I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study.

09 May 2011

Belated Birthday Present Ultimate Win

Yeah, epic win.

08 May 2011

The Returning Officer Extraordinaire

So hot, so handsome, so suave. Who wouldn't fall in love with him?

I'm not talking about [insert hottest male idol of the time], I'm talking about our favourite Returning Officer, Mr Yam Ah Mee.

Gosh, just look at him! He's so hot inspiring that I'm getting wet inspired! Can't wait to see him in 5 years' time!