15 August 2008

Free Tickets?

Aiyo, somebody is inviting me to Singfest 2008 sia... And he's even providing me free tickets! Get this clear, it's tickets not ticket. Plural, not singular! How could I resist?

Yes, I could, with fully justified reason(s) to. He had confessed to me just last week with my respond being negative. Don't be such an ass and ask me what did he confessed about.

I'm afraid that accepting his offer(tickets to Singfest) might give him that glimpse of false hope which is guaranteed to lead him to further disappointment. I'm more afraid that after such awkward rejection, meeting each other would bring us a greater deal of awkwardness. And Mahorela doesn't like awkwardness. You know, it's awkward to feel awkward. Dangit, I'm so awkward upon mentioning such awkward situation that I'm starting to awkwardly type an awkward entry. Gosh, that was awkward.

Why is it always the case that people you admire and adore doesn't seem to feel the same for you? And yet, those that you don't take delight in nor desire, clings to you like a Kolar Bear?

Do I look like mummy bear or the tree branch? No offence to Koala Bears.

I just wanna be with those that I love for the rest of my life, it that too much?

Hell damn it; to go or not to go, that's the question.

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