26 July 2008

Men and Masturbation

Azrael and Mahorela(me,duh) was talking about some serious stuffs a while ago. No, it ain't about death(Azrael = Archangel of Death) nor darkness(Mahorela = Heaven of Darkness) this time. But, about some really embarassing moments in life.

This is when Azrael started narrating his tale of extreme embarrassment; he was caught by his mum and sis when he was jacking off in his room while watching porn.

That's a good one.

I don't know about him. I mean, I was never really caught watching porn. But yeah, it could be one of the most disturbing memory in his life I would say.

Then, it led me to remember a conversation which happened not too long ago.

Me: Eh, have you masturbated before?
Guy: No, I've never done so.
Girl A: Really meh?
Me: I don't believe it.
Guy: Really, I'm a Christian.
Girl A, Girl B: ...
Me: It doesn't link. So what if you're a Christian?
Guy: Then I believe I shouldn't do that.
Me: But...
Guy: I'm going to the Gents.

Then, that led me to another reminiscence of another conversation which dated further back than this.

Hao Xun: If a guy tells you that he had never masturbated, he's lying.
Kie Wu: Yeah! That's so true.
Me: How could you be so sure?
Xun, Kie Wu: ...

Haha, guess we know why could they be so sure about it. Then and again, I could vividly recall back yet another conversation...

Vincent: I don't know about this faith thing, cause alot of Christian boys I know do masturbate...
Me: Including you?
Vincent: Haha, I'm so innocent and pure... Yes, I do and don't believe it when a guy says he's never played with himself. He's either lying, or he isn't a real man.

Good job, Vincent. I agree. How could a guy not masturbate? Biologically and scientifically speaking, men who are physically, sexually and emotionally sound do require some form of comfort to satisfy their buring desire for sex. And that "some form of comfort" is usually masturbation by themselves if they don't have a sex partner when "the need" arises.

Thus, guys who claim that they had never done it are either lying or having some trouble with themselves, sexually, physically or emotionally. Argh, I think I shouldn't be commenting on this any further. It's awkward to, haha. And here's the proof:

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