27 February 2010

Belated Birthday Wish

I said I'll never forget, and I never did.

They say to never look back, never regret.

But I already know you're the biggest regret I'll ever have.

Happy Birthday.

21 February 2010

35 Randoms On My Mind

1.Deal, I'll be waiting for the 26th of February.

2.Where's my apple strudel?!

3.Pick a date for the shisha and drinking session... fast!

4.Karma, you know it's karma.

5.I want my Vienna.

6.Cbk, pang-seh-ed me. You good.

7.Why no one want go zoo...?

8.Why people submit on the 19th, you must drag till 22nd?

9.Why everybody else is busy having exams and I'm done with my stuffs?! Teehee.

10.If you're guilty, shouldn't you be nicer to me now?

11.Your birthday is gonna be here soon.

12.I still don't know what I need to get and where we should be shopping at.

13.You need to grow up soon cause we can't always be on the lookout for you.

14.I look forward to meeting you and your brownie(s), more to the latter.

15.I don't wanna go there.

16.Sex ≠ Love, vice versa, Love ≠ Sex.

17.Now who taught me on what was written above?

18.Steamboat like we always used to? You dudes don't have an option.

19.You better make sure that we hit a club on the coming Wednesday.

20.I'm hungry.

21.It's coming soon, what am I to do after serving time?

22.You whorish slut. I don't need him to tell me and I predict that you're gonna feign ignorance.

23.This Valentine sucks.

24.Till now, we haven't met up.

25.Bring me to a tour around your area before you head to Vietnam.

26.I wonder, why haven't you message me since November...

27.If you're the one delivering me the full body massage, I rather not.

28.I need to borrow winter wear and books from anyone who's willing to lend.

29.I just realized that I'm of nephew to someone older than me by a year old.

30.3 more months and I'm a Godmother again.

31.Somebody loves you and seems like you have a rather broad market afterall.

32.Didn't think that you're gonna be less screwed up after all these years and I'm right.

33.If I die there, please remember that I was once, a part of your memories.

34.This entry is fake and gay.

35.Of all, to that Jackass out there:

Keep on sucking!

14 February 2010

Gifts From 09

Note: Guess what, people? I almost forgot I had a blog until someone said the word "Mahorela" in my presence... Still, Happy Lunar New Year and Single Awareness Day everyone, what a SAD day. FML.
Dear readers, it's officially the first day of Chinese New Year and you people sure know what I'm gonna talk about.

Yes, you guessed it. I'm gonna talk about what happened during last year's Christmas.

Oh boy, last year's Christmas was epic. It was the Christmas among all the other Christmas(es) which I had received the most number of gifts from my beloveds. Thanks for spreading the joy of giving.

Some were simple and sweet.

Some were mystical and glowy.

Some were extravagant and luxurious.

Some were useful and practical.

Some were... exceptional and outstanding(no pun intended).

And when I say "some", I meant some.

There was a grand total of 3 assholes who gave me condoms as my Christmas gift for 2009.

Dudes, when you present such gifts to innocent, innocent me, I've no idea how could I put it to good use. I can use them as how I suppose they're used in my purest mind.

I think my mum's gonna love these shower caps.

But I'm still kinda curious on how exactly these condoms look like as I've never seen one in my life ever before. Ha.

Thanks for spreading the LOVE, guys.

And I opened the biggest box and took a peep.

Nothing too interesting though, looks just like packaged candies.

But why's there only 6 of them?

Shouldn't there be 12 of it as stated in the package?!

Give me used condoms. THANK YOU HOR, GUYS.

Anyways, today happens to be Valentine's Day, who needs free condoms? Oh, it's Lunar New Year too? Forget it.

04 February 2010

Channel 8 Vivo Countdown Party 2010 (Part 2)

Whispers: The unspoken rule that kept you and I apart even when your life is in danger. Wish you well.
I'm dedicating this post to all you buggers out there who shall no longer be a civilian for the next two years, starting this Friday. Don't die inside hor.

To reflect upon my previous entry, I felt really bad. Mediacorp artists are no professional dancers afterall and I should not have been so critical towards their dance moves.

Nah, just kidding.

They dance bad and that's a fact. But speaking about professionalism, wouldn't those backup dancers they hired, dance better? Let's take that guy who danced while Fann Wong was singing as an example.

His dance moves were sleek.

The Bowling Dance

He started off spinning...

and he spins.

and spins...

and spins...

And ooops...

I hope nobody saw that as he quickly and clumsily regained his position, pretending as though nothing ever happened...

And he continued to spin...

and spin...

and suddenly, he ran towards Fann Wong

Gif Created on Make A Gif

Oh wait! No, it isn't just any humping!

This is the legendary 1000 Year Heavenly Peacock Hump Fire Phoenix Sacred Dance?! Oh mi gosh, it's been lost in the Jiang Hu for so many years! Damn, nobody can beat this master, EVER!

After performing the legendary dance move on Fann Wong, he is now using his Qing Gong to literally, jump over the moon in celebration of it.

Woah, this guy, power. Must make him my Shifu. This is precisely what what I love about Channel 8 Countdown Parties, every year also got Crouching Tigers Hidden Dragons.

Dude, remember my tickets for the 2011 countdown!

01 February 2010

1st of February

Today is the day thou art borned...

19 years ago.

Happy Birthday Slim-10 Pig, 7 years of knowing and going strong!

Randomness: The venom you've injected me with, nobody's sicker than I am. You don't know how much this hatred runs deep in my veins.