29 June 2011


Last night, I dreamt that I was a vampire sheep...

20 June 2011

We'll Meet Again

We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when.
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.


16 June 2011


*To the tune of Rebecca Black's "Friday" chorus.*

It's Thursday, Thursday.
Beerfest starts on Thursday.
Everybody's lookin' forward to the Beerfest, Beerfest.
Thursday, Thursday.
Gettin' drunk on Thursday.
Everybody's getting MC on the next day.
Drinkin' beer, drinkin' beer, YEAH!
Drinkin' beer, drinkin' beer, YEAH!
Drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk.
Gonna have a bad hungover.

15 June 2011

Her name is Toenail.

I think there's a competition going on for the worst music video ever made since Rebecca Black's "Friday".

13 June 2011

Summer is DJ Earworm Mashup Time!

This song made me like doing it on the floor or something.

03 June 2011

Future Me

That is exactly what I will become when I'm old, retired and senile.

02 June 2011

Marshall Eriksen

I hope my future husband is a Marshall Eriksen. I will not settle for a Barney Stinson and much less, not a Ted Mosby.

Where's my Marshall Eriksen?