01 November 2008

Wake Me Up When November Ends

Goody good, 1st of November means the first day of November. A new month, a new start, a new beginning. How great.

Let's update what's been cooking since Thursday.

Thursday: Watched "The Coffin".

Friday: Watched "REC". Celebrated Halloween.

Isn't that two exciting days spent? Hell, yeah. It sure was. Although this year's Halloween celebration had shrunk to a small-scaled one, it was still fun and unforgettable. Hahaha...

Shucks, I doubt I'll ever forget about this Halloween. And Hongkie, don't laugh at my romance. Okay, maybe not mine. But, just don't laugh at his romance.

Argh, too much things had come all at once. My puny bird brain just can't take things so well within such short time. Dizzy, dizzy. I guess, that's all for today then. And what really happened on Friday was...

It doesn't make any darn sense at all. But but but, can you allow me some time to think it over?

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