19 November 2008

You should go for liposuction and die through the process.

I have never had any biased opinion against fat people. Except for the time when we had to cross over an amazingly dangerous frail wooden bridge.

Okay, maybe another time again during my childhood when I had to play see-saw with this fattie. I was so afraid of ending up like what I saw in the cartoons.

Yeah, that's about all... Until recently...

There's this fat and short biatch who's been messing around with my life. Initially, it was okay to have this fat biatch as a friend. But... Oh well. Can't say much, ya know? This is a blog meant for public view, so... Yeah.

Still, she's a fcuked up daughter of a whore. Not only she's fat, she's also short, face riddened with acne and likes to act chio and cute.

And once again, sorry to all my other girls out there who's also fat, short and/or acne-riddened. It's not that I hold something against you dudettes, it's just that I hate her so much that I can't stop hating any and every thing about her, that lardy and disgusting biatch-whore.

Fine, 'nuff 'bout biatch-whore. The mere mention of her makes me sick and dulls my day. Fcuking piece of walking lard.

No amount of "eat less, move more" could ever help you slim down.

Ooh, did I mention that Christopher left his three kitties at my house just two days ago? And they are here to stay for at least, the next two weeks! But sorry, can't take any pictures for you guys cause those kitties seem to be extremely sensitive and hold a strong dislike towards camera flashes.

I know what you're thinking, "Just take without flash lah!" Oh, I wish I could but I can't. All three kitties are charcoal-coloured and taking them without flash is as good as taking pictures of void. Hmm, at least, I have my kitties with me...

So much for today...

And Edward, thanks for the dinner. You've been lighting up my days... and nights!

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