14 November 2008

Splashing Candies

I'm so darn clumsy recently. Like today, I wanted to grab some candies from the candy box but in the end, they all got "splashed" outta it. Don't ask me what happened. Cause the next thing I knew was that they were all on the table:

Now I can't place them back into the box nor can I just pop them all into my mouth. And it would surely be a great waste to toss them into the bin.

Okay, I get it. Let's not squander them away:

Sad candies cause they are untimely "splashed" outta their box.

But they are now happy candies cause Mahorela gave them a second life:

While I was working on my candies, I felt some hand slapping on my head, ouch! Gosh, Fair Lady(my mummy) saw what I'm doing and she ain't happy. She said I'm wasting my food and time. Then, she took one of the candies from the table and ate them.

That was one darn great move as we then made the discovery of the century!

Look, who's that:

It ain't mere smiling Ogre, ya know? It's Mike's long lost brother!

Look how shock and happy Mike is to find his long lost brother.

Family reunions, how touching.

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