24 September 2008

The Man on the Fence

I roaming across the streets of Singapore(I've always wanted to say something like that!) and I came alongside a bus stop which was just next to Commonwealth MRT Station.

This poster was what I came across as it was being pasted all over a nearby fence:

A4-sized poster.

Initially, I thought it was some sort of, ehm, poster for some missing dude. But then, upon closer inspection, this is what it reads:


Ehm, sorry. I know I deserve to be hit in the head, but I simply can't afford to get a camera with a better resolution! The 1.2 megapixel digital camera that came along with my phone was the next best(or at least, closest) thing I could get my hands on!

But to make things simple, the summary of the above was:

This guy(the one in the picture) who the author alleges of to be a cheater who preys on rich women that he had previously hooked up from the internet. He cheats his female victims of their money, love and sex. Thus, the author's alerting every women out there to beware of this guy lest they be cheated too. The author also claims that the cheater is skilled in black magic which he uses to charm his victims. He is also known by the author to have "...many name on chatline..." such as "...Ronnie, Saiful, Rifsky..." Last of all, the author suggests that the cheater and his wrong doings shall soon be made known to the world.

Man on the green fence.

As I was reading the above, there came two strange men standing opposite my direction reading the similar article:

Men trying to get rid of the evidence.

They were strange in a sense that I they were attempting to peel off and destroy one of the poster pasted on the fence. The moment they realized that there was something strang about this young lady across their direction(that is me) trying to do some funny things to them(taking their pictures), they immediately paused their activities and pretended to be reading the poster instead.

Damn old dude blocking my view.

Getting closer.

I tried going to the other side of the fence for their front shot, but they slipped outta my lens(camera lens) when their bus arrived. I suspect that one of them was that guy on the green fence... Hmmm...

For such situation, I wouldn't know what to say. I mean, I don't know. Let's wait and see if this Rifsky or whatever-sky guy is gonna hit the headline. If he's done it, I hope Karma will soon knock on his door for I believe in the belief of retribution. What goes around, comes around. Or simply, you reap what you sow.

Sometimes, I do not understand the workings behind a man's mind. What exactly was he looking out for when he decided to made a fool out of a woman's love and body. Is it that fun?

Sexuality issues, I assume. It's worse in this Asian society. Women could hardly be on par with men.

Or is it that cheating a woman's feelings marks the conquest of obtaining her body. Perhaps, it could even be that men do not run the risk of getting pregnant after countless rounds of sexual intercourse.

However, in my Asian society, the most possible reason lies in the issue of chasity. In most part of Asia, virgin women = good. Non-virgin women = bad. But for the men, it doesn't matter. Thus, nobody would point their finger at a man and say that he's promiscuous just because he has got a colourful sex life. However, it isn't the same if a woman does the same. She's be considered a slut. Thus, men doens't have to be responsible with their sex life. They'd sleep with anyone who they're pleased to as promoted by these Asian values.


If I'd get to choose what to be in my next life, I'd be a guy.

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