29 December 2007

Casual Friend 1

Made 2 new casual friends/acquaintances today. They both seems like nice dudes so far. Let's talk about the one I've known first.

T'is Shawn, Shawn Goh Wei JIe. Wtf?! Another Goh Wei Jie, the third one in fact!

Although he has got this "pls-bash-me-up" facial expression in the pic but in real life, he's far from that. Fine, at least until now he hasn't done it. I have noticed that whenever Shawn speaks, he has got this flair for sign language. He couldn't stop moving his hands about and don't get me wrong, I mean he's full of body languages.

First, he covers his mouth whenever he speaks when he's eating or at times when he speaks without eating using this hand gesture:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make a mockery outta him, I'm just impressed that a guy has got such a cultured eating habit, just like me(except for me being a guy part). But then, he even covers his mouth when he laughs:

Oh ho, that's great, that's what they meant by a mild mannered guy eh? It doesn't end here. When he talks, he sometimes points:

He even swing his hand from this:

To this:

Sometimes, like this:

Hoho, his hands gestures are sure cool. Makes me ashamed of myself as a female when the only hand gesture I know is this:

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