24 June 2008

School Starts Again


Here and today, school started again. I'm feeling as depressed as ever. Though I don't seem to appear to be in school, but I'm certainly affected by it. I'm even going to the length of putting up a false front to entertain myself.

Great job.

Nuff of the rantings, I think I will move on to... more rantings.

Remember my previous rants on the project we had to complete during the Holidays? Yeah, that one. It was a newsletter.

Initially, we were required to do four pages. Instead, what done was a forty pages article which sums up to a monthly magazine. Dearly as it could be, we were indeed, as expected, been given a warning by our Ma'am to get rid of the lengthy length and follow the instructions as instructed.

Yes, we were careless on our part to have not read the instructions. Yet, flexibility could be exercised in such situations and allow us to submit our hardwork. But as you can see, I live in a nation where such enthusiasm wasn't appreciated. Everbody is expected to just follow the law.

Talking about fostering creativity within students.

Screw the grimness and the system, literally.

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