14 February 2010

Gifts From 09

Note: Guess what, people? I almost forgot I had a blog until someone said the word "Mahorela" in my presence... Still, Happy Lunar New Year and Single Awareness Day everyone, what a SAD day. FML.
Dear readers, it's officially the first day of Chinese New Year and you people sure know what I'm gonna talk about.

Yes, you guessed it. I'm gonna talk about what happened during last year's Christmas.

Oh boy, last year's Christmas was epic. It was the Christmas among all the other Christmas(es) which I had received the most number of gifts from my beloveds. Thanks for spreading the joy of giving.

Some were simple and sweet.

Some were mystical and glowy.

Some were extravagant and luxurious.

Some were useful and practical.

Some were... exceptional and outstanding(no pun intended).

And when I say "some", I meant some.

There was a grand total of 3 assholes who gave me condoms as my Christmas gift for 2009.

Dudes, when you present such gifts to innocent, innocent me, I've no idea how could I put it to good use. I can use them as how I suppose they're used in my purest mind.

I think my mum's gonna love these shower caps.

But I'm still kinda curious on how exactly these condoms look like as I've never seen one in my life ever before. Ha.

Thanks for spreading the LOVE, guys.

And I opened the biggest box and took a peep.

Nothing too interesting though, looks just like packaged candies.

But why's there only 6 of them?

Shouldn't there be 12 of it as stated in the package?!

Give me used condoms. THANK YOU HOR, GUYS.

Anyways, today happens to be Valentine's Day, who needs free condoms? Oh, it's Lunar New Year too? Forget it.


Anonymous said...

happy new year :)

Anonymous said...

happy SAD day :0

andy said...

yarlor, SAD day sia...

come drink wimme~

Unknown said...

cheer up man, SAD day is endin in 1 min

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no wor,it is nt used condoms.it is used condom packs.

sry lor


Mahorela said...

Anonymous(es): Dudes, you should all get a name.

andy: Pass Lunar New Year!

Xi Ming: ZZZ!

Ed said...

Somebody loves you you you~

Ed said...

Somebody loves you you you~

Mahorela said...
