27 February 2009

Bad Drink

Shucks, I'm still suffering from major hangover from the consumption of the 40% alcoholic Vodka during the chalet stay.

Just read today's conversation with people.

Conversation 1
Me: I want find gold rubber.
JH: This(hands me gold rubber)?
Me: I want find black one.
JH: This(hands me black rubber)?
Me: Don't they have gold ones?
JH: ...
Me: I don't understand, why does this shop hates me?
JH: This(hands me gold rubber)?
Me: Why they don't have black one? I hate this shop.

Conversation 2
Me: You want to sign on?
JH: I thought you are the one that want to sign on?
Me: Is it? I NS two years leh. Eh. I don't serve NS... Oh, yeah. I said I wanted to sign on.

Conversation 3
Joey: We book 12 seats at the restaurant first lor. Then see how?
Me: Okay, ice-skating for twelve.
Joey: WTF? !@#$% You listening to me or not?


I'm not touching alcohol... for the next 3 days.


Anonymous said...

Good job. very good job..

U better warn people before u start a conversation. hoho xD

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha!no wonder joey keep on swearing after she hang up the phone. don't drink too much =)

Anonymous said...

drink with lemons :D