04 December 2008

Caffine High

Ahhhhhh, it's finally the 5th day of the week which makes it a Thursday! Woot! And boy, why am I glad that it's a Thursday? Cause it's a Friday after Thursday! Wooooooooot!

Okay, I think I had too much of the coffee when I was having dinner and most probably, I'm suffering from caffine intoxication right at this moment! Wooooooosh!

Here's some report on what's been happening to me this week counting from Sunday which is the 30th of November 2008 to the 4th of December 2008, today!

Sunday: Stay at home the whole day.

Monday: Stay in school the whole day.

Tuesday: Stay in school the whole day.

Wednesday: Stay in school the whole day.

Thursday: ...

Okay, no. Not that boring. It's just that it's, very boring. I'm all stressed up this whole darn week. Presentation here and there. Test and tests. Oh my gosh. Why the bloody hell am I still doing here? I should be gone playing and enjoying my night while I'm still high on caffine.

ps. Yuan Shan and me was talking 'bout that Eugene awhile ago. I was saying how much the relationship between me and him is like an urban adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet". Eugene~ *wink, wink*

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