25 October 2009

What is "Silent Break"?

Today, a friend asked; what's a "silent break"? She had innocently assumed that it was a break that is taken silently without consent and anybody's knowledge, aka "eat snake".

No girl, that's not the silent break we were talking about.

A "silent break" is actually a synonym for a "silent breakup". For those who still don't understand the term, it explicitly means a breakup which is initiated silently and without the consent of another party of a relationship.

What goes on in a "silent break" is that the initiating party of the relationship will perform a silent treatment on the receiving party, usually lasting for a week to a month, usually. It is until the receiving party realizes the fact that he or she is being given the silent treatment and will he/she then realize another fact; he/she has just been served a "silent break".

However it times, the silent treatment period may take less than a week to achieve completion. And that in turn, speeds up the silent breakup process.

Thus boys and girls, now you learn a new term; the silent break.

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