28 March 2008

Another Job Hunt And Certain Issue To Address

Although I do have a job right now, but I just wanna get a better and more stable job instead. So, this entry is about another job hunt, the don't-know-number-what-job hunt entry ever since my blog ever started. Hoho.

So, let's see. Wan Fen and I went to some landmark near my house, and went for interview in 2 different restaurant. Guess what? I think I'm gonna be stuck in the F&B industry afterall! WTF?!

But yeah, the pay's alright. Nothing worse than ¥o$h!noya who is f*cking cost efficient, pays their worker a damn lot of money($3.50) and allocated a hellota tasks to their workers. Yeah, any place is better than them(besides other fast fast chains...).

Then, at the second interview ground, we saw a darn cool manager, supervisor or what ever you call him, or her. He's a he origninally, whether or not he has the intention to turn into a she, I don't know. But it sure looks like to me that he's gonna do it sooner or later. He put on make up, wears blue coloured contact lens, wears fake eyelashes and he's pretty!

No joke. I'm not trying to put it in a condescending manner or make a mockery out of him. I'm simply, trying to express my admiration to such people(no, not a degrading term, I have limited vocab terms).

Really, I mean, there are many out there who do not and will not consider accepting homosexuals, trangenders or any thing/any people who are so called "abnormal". They even consider these souls as freaks, mutants, chimeras, etc.
It has all been recorded in that damned bloody history book that those who opposed the masses had not reaped a good end and they deserve none of them.

Brandon Teena, he was initially a she, born in a female body yet he dared a change and lived a man. However, people ain't good. They rejected his choice, his decision and his will. This denial eventually escalated to frenzy acts of violence, rape and murder when his "female identity" was blown off.

Thus, ended this sad young man's life at the age of 21, in vain.

Brandon Teena

But, but, but, his legacy doesn't end there. His life was made into several documentries, a film, a song and etc. The aftermath of the film, "Boys Don't Cry" affected me the most.

Actress Hilary Swank who starred as Brandon Teena in the film was criticized by Brandon's family for her Oscar acceptance speech in referring to Brandon as a "he" instead of a "she".
Although Swank did apologize to Brandon's family for her mistake but I do not agree with anyone of them that it was a misjudgment of any sort in the first place.

Hilary Swank as Brandon Teena in "Boys Don't Cry".

I certainly support in what Brandon is preferred to be known as when he was alive. Thus, Swank should never have apologized in the begining.

However, my piggy begs to differ. He pointed out that it wouldn't kill to apologize to his family(since they were unhappy about it) since their son is already dead and that's what Swank could at the least do to satisfy them.

Still, it's almost impossible to convince me that they deserve the apology. I mean, boy, I'm sad for Brandon when his mother had never accepted him for what he is and wants to be, not even when he's dead.

Mrs. Brandon, if you were were ever readind this(which I doubt), please, wake up. Do not ever be ashamed of what your son was, he was proud of his life as a man. And the only thing you could ever do to make her proud of you is the fact that you have embraced what he was and will defend her name against all antagonists of her beliefs!

Here, oh here, is yet another forsaken hero who put on make up, wears blue coloured contact lens, wears fake eyelashes that fights for what he believes in, at my new potential work place. =D

A tribute to all the Forsakens:


ps. Today is Day One of Ching Ming, be wary, dudes!

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