30 July 2011


I'll be back someday, sitting on YOUR throne, motherfcukers.

Perhaps in 5 or 10, but I fcuking will fcuking be fcuking back.

24 July 2011

Back to Black

Amy Jade Winehouse dead at the age of 27.

And I broke 2 glasses upon learning the news. 23rd of July 2011 was a horrible day.

Let us all grieve for this fallen star.

14 July 2011

My Degree Isn't Worth the Debt!

By Annalyn Censky Monday, July 11, 2011

Facing college costs that are rising far faster than incomes, many Americans are relying on massive amounts of debt.

We talked to people overloaded with student loans.

Erik Solecki

Student debt: $185,000
Degree: Bachelor's in industrial engineering from Kettering University

Was my college degree worth it? Hell no.

I graduated from one of the top engineering schools in the nation, thinking my starting salary would be between $70,000 and $80,000 a year.

More from CNNMoney.com:

• Surging College Costs Price Out Middle Class

• Calculator: What Will College Cost You?

• Money 101: College
Such a specialized, technical degree is supposed to lead to a great career, so I was willing to take out the debt.

Instead, I was hit with nine months of unemployment after graduating. And now that I finally have a job, I'm making about $15,000 a year less than I had hoped.

Even if I were able to afford the $1,800 payments each month, it will probably take me 30 years to pay off my student loans.

I engineer high-end autos. Ironically, I'll probably never be able to afford one.

Saniquah Robinson

Student debt: $82,000
Degrees: Master's in Health Science from Chatham University; Bachelor's in psychology from Temple University

After holding my Master's for three years, I'm still fighting to find a Master's level position.

I have been seeking employment in the medical field and after about a hundred interviews, I'm left doing contract work for $19 an hour.

I once believed that part of the American Dream was to earn a college education and this would ensure a great career and financial freedom. Unfortunately I am losing hope.

I'm a mother of three, and my husband and I have been turned down from purchasing a home due to our income-to-debt ratio.

I don't want people to think they shouldn't go to college -- it definitely gives you a great foundation to start your career. But it's very important that when you do, you know exactly what you want to study and you're knowledgeable about debt.

Shane Dixon

Student debt: $72,800
Degrees: Master's in public health from University of South Carolina; Bachelor's in biology from Clemson University

In my early years after high school, I wavered between trade school and college, but eventually opted for college and earned a Bachelor's in biology.

I quickly found work, but at an abysmal wage of $7.25 per hour, which did not even allow me to live on my own.

After an exasperating year at that wage, I decided to go back to school and I graduated in 2004 with a Master's in Public Health, thinking I was on the road to recovery.

During that time, I had been married, had a child, gotten divorced, and ended up raising my son on my own. I took a low paying government job in Southern Florida, and because I couldn't even make the minimum payments on my debt, I took forbearance after forbearance.

I have had a good life, but now at age 37, the weariness of carrying this financial burden frustrates me to no end.

My son is nine years old now and will want to attend college when he graduates high school. But what will I tell him? First I have to decide if the college degree is worth the debt. I hope by the time he is making his decision, I will have figured it out.

Michelle Shipley

Student debt: $140,000
Degree: Bachelor's in political science and international development from Tulane University

Like many, I had no idea what money meant when I was 17. My family is not wealthy. I simply didn't have the information or knowledge to know what it would be like now.

I had to pay for college on my own and took out loans for everything - rent, food, books, tuition, etc.

Then, during my sophomore year, I lost everything to Hurricane Katrina. I finished my degree, but continued to take loans to make it possible.

I'm now working at a non-profit and I love it -- but I don't make much. I've been able to put off the payments through forbearance, but I know the $1,400 a month bills are coming soon. Not to mention, I've also racked up about $7,000 in credit card debt.

My debt is a life-swallowing, all-consuming, hole in my life. No college degree is worth that.

For entire article, please click here.

02 July 2011

29 June 2011


Last night, I dreamt that I was a vampire sheep...

20 June 2011

We'll Meet Again

We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when.
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.


16 June 2011


*To the tune of Rebecca Black's "Friday" chorus.*

It's Thursday, Thursday.
Beerfest starts on Thursday.
Everybody's lookin' forward to the Beerfest, Beerfest.
Thursday, Thursday.
Gettin' drunk on Thursday.
Everybody's getting MC on the next day.
Drinkin' beer, drinkin' beer, YEAH!
Drinkin' beer, drinkin' beer, YEAH!
Drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk.
Gonna have a bad hungover.

15 June 2011

Her name is Toenail.

I think there's a competition going on for the worst music video ever made since Rebecca Black's "Friday".

13 June 2011

Summer is DJ Earworm Mashup Time!

This song made me like doing it on the floor or something.

03 June 2011

Future Me

That is exactly what I will become when I'm old, retired and senile.

02 June 2011

Marshall Eriksen

I hope my future husband is a Marshall Eriksen. I will not settle for a Barney Stinson and much less, not a Ted Mosby.

Where's my Marshall Eriksen?

31 May 2011

Girls Watch Porn, Too

How can women possibly enjoy porn?

How can we not enjoy it?
It's two people having awesome sex.

30 May 2011


29 May 2011


If you mean by such desire “suicide,” then I say, most decidedly not. Such a result can never be a “natural” one, but is ever due to a morbid brain disease, or to most decided and strong materialistic views. It is the worst of crimes and dire in its results. Otherwise voluntary death would be an abandonment of our present post and of the duties incumbent on us, as well as an attempt to shirk Karmic responsibilities, and thus involve the creation of new Karma.

No more than murder, is it ever justifiable, however desirable it may sometimes appear. The Occultist, who looks at the origin and the ultimate end of things, teaches that the individual, who affirms that any man, under whatsoever circumstances, is called to put an end to his life, is guilty of as great an offence and of as pernicious a piece of sophistry, as the nation that assumes a right to kill in war thousands of innocent people under the pretext of avenging the wrong done to one.

No man, we repeat, has a right to put an end to his existence simply because it is useless. As well argue the necessity of inciting to suicide all the incurable invalids and cripples who are a constant source of misery to their families; and preach the moral beauty of that law among some of the savage tribes of the South Sea Islanders, in obedience to which they put to death, with warlike honours, their old men and women.

- H. P. Blavatsky

28 May 2011

Forever Alone Guy

That's gonna be me alright.

21 May 2011

Rapture 2011

"Radio evangelist Harold Camping has predicted that today, May 21st, will be the end of the world. This day has become known as Rapture. The world was predicted to end at 6PM. However this time has been and gone, so it appears the Camping’s prediction was just mere scaremongering."

Damn, why didn't it happen?!

19 May 2011


"Sakuran" is a good movie.

But it's also a bad one.

Cause the ending was highly unrealistic.

10 May 2011

Must... study!

I must study.

I must not surf net.

I must not chat with people.

I must not watch YouTube.

I must not watch RedTube.

I must not watch any other Tubes.

I must not blog-shop.

I must not blog.

I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study. I must study.

09 May 2011

Belated Birthday Present Ultimate Win

Yeah, epic win.

08 May 2011

The Returning Officer Extraordinaire

So hot, so handsome, so suave. Who wouldn't fall in love with him?

I'm not talking about [insert hottest male idol of the time], I'm talking about our favourite Returning Officer, Mr Yam Ah Mee.

Gosh, just look at him! He's so hot inspiring that I'm getting wet inspired! Can't wait to see him in 5 years' time!

29 April 2011


It's on such occasions where you find out who are your friends and who aren't.

You'd be surprised by the results.

And well, yesterday was one strange day. Or morning I should say. Strange in a good way, I think.

Still, I love you all.

By the way, it's Friday, Friday. Everybody's looking forward to the weekend.

12 April 2011

22 March 2011


Fuck you.

Fuck you there.

Fuck you too.

And fuck you.

Fuck all of you.


25 February 2011

Harry's Magic Wand (not his penis)

This item is a complete waste of money.

But I want it so damn badly right now.

22 February 2011

The Footwear Cult

Which kinda slippers/sandals should I get?






Or Dopie?

Ah, firetruck. Make one myself.

13 February 2011

Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Please don't be mistaken that abusive is only physical. It can be emotional, mental, (verbal) and also spiritual.

Signs of an Abusive Personality

Below is a list of behaviors seen in people who abuse their partners. These signs can be observed within the relationship; because abusers generally manipulate people by being charming to get their way, it is very difficult to identify an abuser by his behaviors towards people outside of a relationship.

The last four signs in this list are almost always seen only if the person is an abuser. If the person has several of the other behaviors (say, three or more) there is a strong potential of abuse. The more signs the person has, the more likely he is an abuser. In some cases the batterer may only have a few recognizable signs, but they are very exaggerated; for example, extreme jealousy over ridiculous things.

The Signs

Initially the abuser tries to explain his behavior as a sign of his love or concern. The partner may be flattered at first, but as time goes on, these behaviors become more severe and serve to dominate the woman.
*Quick involvement

Many battered women dated or knew their abuser less than six months before they became engaged or began living together. He comes on like a whirlwind: "You're the only person I've ever really been able to talk to. I've never felt loved like this before." He needs someone desperately and pressures you to commit to him. Unused to men's wanting commitment, many women believe that this is a sign of his love.

*Unrealistic expectations

He is very dependent on you for all his needs, expects you to be the perfect wife, partner, mother, lover, friend. He often says, "You're all I need. If you love me, I'm all you need." You are supposed to take care of everything emotionally as well as in the home.

*Rigid sex roles

He sees women as inferior to men, more stupid, unable to be a whole person without a relationship. He expects you to obey him, to serve him, to stay home.

*Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde

He has "sudden" changes in mood. One minute he's nice, the next minute he explodes. Anything can set him off on a rampage, even things not involving you, like problems with the car, difficulties at work, etc. Explosiveness and mood swings are typical of men who beat their partners, and these behaviors are related to other characteristics, such as hypersensitivity.

*Blames others for his problems

Almost anything that goes wrong in his life is someone else's fault. For example, if he lost his job or is chronically unemployed, he may say, "They did me in. They were out to get me." He makes mistakes and blames you. Almost anything that goes wrong is your fault.

*Blames others for his feelings

When he becomes angry and abusive it's because "You made me mad. You're hurting me by not doing what I ask. I can't help being angry." He really makes the decision about what he thinks or feels, but uses his feelings to manipulate you. Hard to catch are his claims, "You make me happy. You control how I feel."

*Poor or negative self-image

Research has found that abusers have lower self-esteem and masculinity scores than other men tested. One researcher calls this a "failed macho complex." These men appear to over-compensate for what they see as their failure to live up to the masculine sex role stereotype.


He is easily insulted, or takes the slightest set-back as a personal attack. He claims his feelings are "hurt" when he's really very mad. He rants and raves about the injustice of things that have happened to him - things that are really just part of living - like being asked to work over-time, getting a traffic ticket, being asked to help around the house.

*Verbal abuse

He says cruel and hurtful things, uses foul and degrading language to describe you or parts of your body, attacks your self-esteem by criticizing your looks, running down your family, friends or accomplishments. He tells you you are stupid and unable to function without him.


At the beginning of the relationship, he says that his jealousy is a sign of his love. In reality, jealousy has nothing to do with love - it is a sign of his insecurity and possessiveness. He's constantly suspicious of any contact you have with other men at work or in social situations. He questions you about who you talk to, accuses you of flirting, or is jealous of time you spend with family, friends or children. As his jealousy and possessiveness increase, he may call you frequently or drop by unexpectedly to check on you. He may refuse to let you work for fear you'll meet someone else, or even check your car mileage or ask friends to watch you.

*Controlling behavior

At first, he says he's just concerned about you. He may throw a tantrum if you are a few minutes late coming home from work or the store, or question you closely about where you went, who you spoke to. He may not let you make personal decisions about the house, your clothing, going out with friends. He may keep control over all the money, making you ask him for anything you need.


He tries to cut you off from friends and family. If you have men friends, you're a "whore"; if you have women friends, you're a lesbian; if you have close family ties, you're "tied to the apron strings." He accuses people who are your supports of "causing trouble." He may restrict your use of the phone, limit your use of the car or prevent you from going to work or school.

*"Playful" use of force in sex

He may like throwing you down, holding your wrists, jumping on top of you or holding you up against a wall or door to have intercourse. He may want to act out fantasies where you are helpless. He's letting you know that the idea of rape excites him. He may show little concern about whether you want to have sex, and use sulking or anger to manipulate you into compliance. He may start having sex with you while you are sleeping, or when you are ill or tired. 34% to 59% of battered women report they were forced to have sexual intercourse. Although people usually associate rape with the use of great physical force or weapons, it is still rape if you agree to have sex simply because you are afraid of what he will do if you refuse.

*Cruelty to children and animals

Studies of battering men have found that between 40% to 70% physically abuse their children. He may expect a child to be capable of doing things far beyond her ability, like whipping a 2 year old for wetting a diaper, or may tease a child until he cries. He may not want to eat at the table with the children. He may punish animals brutally, insensitive to their pain or suffering, or deliberately abuse animals in front of you and the children in order to use the animal's anguish to terrorize or manipulate you. Between 71% and 80% of battered women have reported that their abuser also abused animals.

*Has witnessed abuse

Many abusers were themselves abused as children or saw their mothers abused by their fathers. In one study, 57% of male batterers were exposed to one form or another of domestic violence as children - either as victims of child abuse or as witnesses of spousal violence. Almost one-third were both victims and witnesses.


* Past battering

He may say that he hit a partner in the past - but she made him do it. You may hear from relatives or former partners that he is abusive. A Los Angeles abusers' counselor reported that all 150 abusers he had treated acknowledged they had abused other partners.

* Threats of violence

He makes threats meant to control you: "I'll smack you if you mouth off." "I'll break your neck." "I'll kill you." Most men do not threaten their mates, but an abuser excuses himself by saying, "Everybody talks like that."

* Hitting or breaking objects

This behavior is used as a punishment (breaking loved possessions), but is mostly used to intimidate and frighten you into submission. He may beat on tables or doors with his fists, or throw things at or near you. Again, this is very remarkable behavior; only very immature people beat on objects in the presence of other people to threaten them.

* Any use of force during an argument

He may hold you down, restrain you from leaving a room, push or shove you, or hold you against a wall saying, "You are going to listen to me."

Adapted from a handout developed by the Project for Victims of Family Violence, Fayetteville, AR.

10 February 2011

Top 10 Motorbike for Women

According to this site, here are the top 10 women favourited motobikes:

1. Harley Davidson Sportster(Cruiser)

Harley Davidson Sportster 1200L

Harley Davidson Sportster XL 883L

2. Honda Shadow(Cruiser)

3. Yamaha V-Star(Cruiser)

4. Harley Davidson Softail(Cruiser)

5. Kawasaki Vulcan(Cruiser)

Kawasaki Vulcan 500 LTD

Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic

6. Kawasaki Ninja(Sports)

Kawasaki Ninja 500R

Kawasaki Ninja 250R

7. Suzuki Boulevard(Cruiser)

8. Honda Rebel(Cruiser)

9. Honda CBR600RR(Sports)

10. Harley Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy(Cruiser)

Frankly speaking, they all look the same to me.

What? Don't judge me, I'm just a girl, ofcourse they look the same to me.

09 February 2011

Pretty Girls Rock

Remember awhile back, female model Evangeline Tay was caught driving without a license after she ran a red light and even paid another very intelligent property agent to take the rap for $1000 only, three years ago?

She was Briefcase Girl No.8 in "Deal or No Deal".

And for all the crimes she committed, she was give a SGD 2000 fine ONLY. But no deal for her, cause she's appealing against the ruling.

Maybe I should now start driving a car without a license. Since if I were to ever to be caught, I can always try to find someone to take the rap for me for a mere SGD 1000! And even if I got caught for perversion of justice, it's ONLY SGD 2000 for ALL the crimes I've committed.

What a bargain!

But ofcourse, it's not a risk I would take for no good reason. Cause like Evangeline Tay, I will only run this risk when I'm too goddamn hungry to get food located far, far away from my expensive apartment at Duchess Crest. I mean, it's sooo far away and I'm sooooo hungry, how am I suppose to travel there like I usually do?

The only next logical solution is to steal my boyfriend's car and drive there, without a license. And guess what? I'm also sooo hungry that I won't stop for red lights and screw pedestrian safety, they can kiss my bumper when I knock them down.

Oh what? Did I hear someone say "Dial-A-Cab: 6552 1111" and "MacDelivery 24/7: 6777 3777"? Gosh, what's that?! I've never heard of that in my whole life!

Then, she even got the nerves to pay for a scapegoat. That's not the worse. After the court showed leniency towards her, she still wants to appeal against that already very light SGD 2000 fine and plead for a lighter sentence. That's just ouright perversion of justice or if you would prefer, I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-the-law in your face.

Although one could face jailterm up to seven years, fined or both for the perversion of the course of justice in Singapore, Evangeline Tay got off with a SGD 2000 fine only and is still appealing against this judgement. Guess I won't ever understand the benevolence and leniency of the law.

Oh wait, I think I do.

08 February 2011

Cult Classic Beauty Products

This post is dedicated to all my favourite cult beauty products. A totally irrelevant and random topic to talk about after missing our annual Christmas, New Year, Lunar New Year posts.

Chinese Crocodile Oil

It's great for the skin.

Old West Snake Oil

It works better than the Chinese Crocodile Oil but, production ceased since 1932.

Vaseline Lip Therapy

Taste like food.

Egyptian Magic Cream

Only works as a moisturizer for dry skin.

Benefit's Dr Feelgood

Likes product name and packaging only.

Nivea Creme

Good old classic skin-lovin'.

Keihl's Blue Astringent Herbal Lotion

So drying that it flakes my skin.

三凤海棠香粉(Some Chinese Face Powder)

Excellent budget stage makeup but, hard to spot one in Singapore. And oh, I think many people died from lead poisoning while using it.

Stein's Face Powder

Another great stage makeup and also, rare in Singapore.

Yardley Hair Cream

Works well with short European hairstyle, H.F.SG(Hard to Find in Singapore).

Murray's Hair Promade


Lulu Organic's Hair Powder

When you're too lazy to wash your hair... H.F.SG alert!

Chandrika Soap

Will smell like an Indian after using.

Невская косметика Russian Tar Soap

Will smell like a drunk Russian after using, not available in Singapore

4711 Cologne/科隆香水

Will smell like my Grandfather after using.

Two Girls Florida Water

Will smell and feel like Chinese silent film stars from the 30s.